The community of St. Michael’s Parish extends our deepest sympathies to you on your loss. As believers in Jesus Christ, we turn to the Lord and rely upon Him and His words of comfort and support, proclaimed in his Sermon on the Mount,
We pledge to you and your family our prayers of consolation, support, and hope. St. Michael's Arimathea Society will assist you as you prepare to lay your loved one to rest and plan the funeral liturgy. For your convenience, documents featuring the Old Testament and New Testament readings they will ask you to choose from are included in the sidebar to the left.
Please note that you are not responsible for scheduling the Funeral yourself. The Funeral Home director will be in touch with us to schedule the Mass, and once that is done, they will give our Arimathea Society your contact information. The Arimathea Society will then call you to set up an appointment for you to come to Saint Michael Parish to plan your loved one's Funeral Liturgy. We are here to walk with you every step of the way.
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call our Parish Office at 781.275.6318 for further assistance.